> Machine tools, metal shaping - parts and accessories Kanton Zürich > Machine tools, metal shaping - parts and accessories Bezirk Pfäffikon > Machine tools, metal shaping - parts and accessories Pfäffikon

Gesundheits- und Kulturabteilung

Address: 8330, Pfäffikon ZH
Phone: 044 952 51 70
E-Mail: Send e-mail

The Gesundheits- und Kulturabteilung address is 8330, Pfäffikon ZH and the entry is assigned to the category Machine tools, metal shaping - parts and accessories.

Economic data

Some NOGA economic data of this entry in Pfäffikon ZH with important and interesting facts.

Classification:NOGA (Nomenclature Générale des Activités économiques)
Classification code:4164967900
Company activity:Gemeindeverwaltung Pfäffikon ZH Direktwahl f. Verwaltungsabteilungen

Opening hours

Gamiss.com INT


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Customer reports, recension or reviews of Gesundheits- und Kulturabteilung are listed here. The listed reviews are reflecting only opinions and are not necessarily true.

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Driving directions

Gesundheits- und Kulturabteilung Driving directions

Driving directions to Gesundheits- und Kulturabteilung in Pfäffikon ZH can be requested here.

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